2016年5月24日 星期二

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-50

268. "我是過來人" 
A. I feel so sad about breaking up with my boyfriend.
B. I've been there before. It takes time to get over it.

269. "別任他擺布" 
A. The boy is always being mean to me.
B. You should stand up for yourself. Don't let him push you around.

270. "你騙到我了" 
A. I'm just kidding. I didn't really win the contest.
B. You had me there. I believed every word you said.

271. "不會吧" 
A. It looks like another typhoon is coming.
B. You don't say. We've been having a lot of them lately.

Note. 本句常用於對對方所說的話感到吃驚, 不可置信時, 相當於中文的 "不會吧". 不過 You don't say 亦可用在相反的情形, 表示對方所說的話一點也不驚訝, 相當於 "可不是嗎". 例如: 
A. I think Tom and Marsha are getting married. (我想湯姆與瑪莎要結婚了) 
B. You don't say. We got their wedding invitation last week. (可不是嗎? 我們上星期就收到他們的喜帖了) 

272. "她的嘴巴狠毒" 
A. Do you think Jeanne is angry at me?
B. If she is, you'll find out. She has a very sharp tongue.

Note. 補充: a sliver tongue 三寸不爛之舌, 舌璨蓮花 

273. "不要忘恩負義" 
A. I am so sick of the job that I have, and I don't like my boss.
B. He just gave you a raise! Don't bite the had that feeds you.



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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