2016年5月8日 星期日

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-43

226. "這根本就說不通" 
A. The main said he was at home the whole time the crime was taking place.
B. It just doesn't add up. If he was at home, why wasn't his car at home, too?

Note. add up 在此用法中為不及物動詞, 表 "合理; 有意義", 做此義常用在否定句中, 表示 "說不通; 不合理". 類似說法: It just doesn't make sense. 

227. "他高興的不得了" 
A. How is John liking his new job?
B. He's in seventh heaven. I've never seen him happier.

Note. 類似說法: He couldn't be happier 

228. "我正在忙" 
A. Let's go to the mall and do some shopping.
B. Why don't you go by yourself? I'm already in the middle of something.

Note. 類似說法: I'm busy doing something. 

229. "他們試圖掩飾問題" 
A. Why has the company changed the brochures for their machines?
B. They're trying to paper over the cracks.

230. "心意最重要" 
A. You're only giving Sheila a card for her birthday?
B. Yeah. It's the thought that counts.

Note. 類似說法: It's t he thought that matters. 

231. "我老闆逼得我別無選擇" 
A. Why did you agree to take on the new project.
B. My boss pushed me into a corner. If I didn't do it, he was going to lower my salary.

Note. 類似說法: My boss pushed my up against a wall 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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