2016年5月16日 星期一

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-47

250. "該你上場" 
A. I think that Jim is finished with his presentation.
B. That's your cue. Go introduce the next speaker.

251. "他氣炸了" 
A. What happened when you told your dad you had crashed his car?
B. He flipped out.

Note. flib 本意為 "擲, 輕彈; 翻轉", 在這邊引申為 "暴怒; 翻臉不認人" 之意. 類似說法: Fly into a rage; throw/have a fit; blow one's top/stack/cool 

252. "他都來陰的" 
A. I am not going to vote for this politician.
B. Neither am I. He hits below the belt when he argues with his opponents.

Note. 此片語源自拳擊比賽中不得攻擊對手腰帶以下部位的規則, 引申為 "評論或攻擊等不正當, 不公平或投機取巧". 

253. "別三心二意了" 
A. I think I'll wear the red dress. Actually, I'll wear the yellow one.
B. Stop being so fickle and just get dressed.

Note. fickle 意為 "善變; 無常的", 也可使用形容詞 indecisive 來表示 "猶豫不決的". 

254. "我沒轍了" 
A. How are things going at your job?
B. I'm at my wit's end. My new coworker is driving me crazy.

255. "她都悶在心裡" 
A. Mary looks depressed. Do you know what's wrong?
B. No, she just bottles it up and won't tell me anything.

Note. 動詞 bottle 本意為 "把...裝入瓶中", 引申指把情感或秘密裝入瓶中. 鑲法說法: veth sth on sb; take it out on sb; get sth off one's chest; blow off stream 

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[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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