2016年5月21日 星期六

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-49

262. "不要以此自滿" 
A. I got a perfect grade on my English quiz.
B. That's great! Don't rest on your laurels, through. There's a big exam next week.

Note. 名詞 laurel 原指 "月桂樹", 複數型 laurels 指 "桂冠", 引申為 "殊榮; 勝利" 之意. 

263. "從易處著手" 
A. There are different ways to solve this problem.
B. Let's cross the stream where it is shallowest.

Note. 類似說法: Take the easiest path 

264. "一吐為快" 
A. Thanks for listening to my problems. I feel much better now.
B. It's always good to get things off your chest.

Note. 類似說法: Let things out; Take thins out 

265. "分一杯羹" 
A. Will John help you set up your small business.
B. He will, but he wants a piece of the pie.

Note. 類似說法: a share/a slice of the pie. 

266. "別想占我便宜" 
A. I heard you're making a lot of money at your new job.
B. I am, but don't try to cash in on my current success. I have a lot of debts that I have to pay off.

267. "好心一點吧!" 
A. People who beg for money on the street are too lazy to work.
B. Have a heart! Some of them are going through really hard times.

Note. 類似說法: Be nice; Show some compassion 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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