2016年5月12日 星期四

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-45

238. "一切都已經是過去式了" 
A. I'm really sorry that you got fired from your job.
B. That was months ago. It's all water under the bridge now. I have recovered from that.

Note. 類似說法: It's water over the dam. 

239. "我豁出去了" 
A. Wow! You're renting a banquet room in the the restaurant for your birthday party and spending the night at an expensive hotel?
B. I sure am! I'm going the whole nine yards.

Note. yard 是長度單位, the whole nine yards 字面意思為整整九碼, 此說法源自不可考, 在此引申為 全力以赴, 用盡千方百計, 毫無保留之意. 類似說法: I am going all out. 

240. "我病的不輕" 
A. Do you think you will be coming to school tomorrow?
B. I seriously doubt it. I'm sick as a dog.

Note. 類似說法: I're extremely ill; I'm really sick. 

241. "我們直話直說吧" 
A. I'd like to show you all of the features this top-of-the-line smartphone has.
B. Let's cut to the chase. How much does it cost?

Note. top-of-the-line 指最高階, 品質最好的. 此說法源自早期電影剪輯手法, 當時觀眾認為影片的高潮就是追趕 (chase) 鏡頭, 所以若缺乏經驗的電影編劇或導演在精彩鏡頭出現前加入太多冗長對話, 電影公司高層就會說 cut to the chase 來指示刪減不必要的無聊片段. 
類似說法: Let's go straight down to business; Lets get to the point; Stop beating around the bush 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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