2016年4月25日 星期一

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-39

207. "祝你好運" 
A. I'm off to my job interview.
B. Break a leg!

Note. 這句話源自劇場表演, 對即將上場演出者說出 Break a leg! 並非詛咒而是透過反話送上祝福. 

208. "你不該把家醜外揚" 
A. My husband is mad at me because I told everyone in my yoga class that he leaves his dirty socks in the living room.
B. You shouldn't wash your dirty linen in public. It's no wonder he's angry when you embarrassed him like that.

Note. linen 意為 "亞麻布", dirty linen 即 "髒衣服" 之意 

209. "原來如此" 
A. Why don't we advertise our new product?
B. We simply don't have enough money to pay for an advertising campaign.
A. So that's what it boils down to.

210. "我才不吃他這一套" 
A. Tom was late because his car wouldn't start.
B. I don't buy his story. I think he just overslept again.

211. "我們處於劣勢" 
A. Do you think we'll make the sale with the big client?
B. I doubt it. We're behind the eight ball right now.

Note. 此說法源自一種在 21 世紀初名為 "八號球" 的撞球比賽. 這種比賽規定除了黑色的八號球, 參賽者必須依序把撞球檯上的撞球依編號把球撞入球袋中. 要是八號球剛好擋在下一顆要進球的前面, 要撞球入袋難度便會提高, 因此 behind the eight ball 引申為 "處於劣勢; 陷入困境" 之意. 

212. "我們去狂歡吧" 
A. It's your birthday. Do you have any plans for tonight?
B. Let' go out and paint the town red!



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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