Note. 動詞 flatter 意為 "奉承; 諂媚", 在此表示某照片沒有讓你更出色的意思.
189. "走路要看路"
190. "沒這回事"
191. "不要烏鴉嘴"
Note. jinx 做名詞表示 "掃把星", 在此作動詞, 意為 "使倒楣".
192. "先下手為強"
Note. get a jump on sth 字面上有跳到某位子上佔據起來, 以防別人搶先一步.
193. "那故事讓我心裡直發毛"
Note. willies 表示 "因害怕而毛骨悚然的感覺"
This is a blog to track what I had learned and share knowledge with all who can take advantage of them
A. I'm going to put this photo on my Facebook page.
B. Why? This picture doesn't flatter you at all.
A. Hey! Watch where you're going!
B. I'm sorry! Did I almost bump into you?
A. I heard that there was a fight during your gym class today.
B. What? Nothing of that sort happened.
A. Oh, no. The train is probably going to be late again.
B. Hey, don't jinx it. There's still a good chance it will be on time.
A. There's a big sale on flat screen TVs at that store..
B. Let's get a jump on it and get there before they're all sold out
A. Did you read the story about the bodies missing from the cemetery?
B. I did. The story gave me the willies.
Source From Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 # git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上 gi...