2016年3月14日 星期一

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-24

132. "別在傷口上撒鹽" 
A. Not only didn't you do well on the test, but you also got the lowest grade in the class.
B. Stop rubbing it in. I didn't have time to study for it.

Note. rub it in 有 "反覆提及令人尷尬的事; 觸及痛處" 之意. 

133. "一頭霧水" 
A. Why is it so hard for you to file your taxes?
B. Well, I can't get my head around all these rules.

Note. 類似說法: can't figure it out; can't make head or/nor tail of sth. 

134. "過去的事就讓它過去吧" 
A. Let's not argue anymore and just try to be friends.
B. Ok, I'll agree to that. Let bygones be bygones.

Note. bygone 做名詞, 指 "過去的事". 

135. "一個巴掌拍不響" 
A. Jane's boyfriend sometimes acts mean to her.
B. Well, it takes two to tango. She's not always the nicest person itself.

Note. 這句話的意思是 "需要兩個人才能跳探戈", 也就是說某個情況或爭執需要兩個人才會發生. 

136. "有消息會通知你" 
A. Have you found out if Tina is having a party this weekend?
B. No, I haven't, but I will keep you posted.

Note. keep sb posted 指 "讓某人獲知最新消息". 類似說法: I'll let you know; I'll keep you informed. 

137. "我們扯平了嗎?" 
A. Thanks for helping me move the furniture.
B. No problem. I'm just returning the favor for when you helped me move. Are we square?

Note. Square 在此作形容詞, 為口語用法, 表示 "(雙方) 互不相欠; 扯平的". 類似說法: Are we even? ; Let's call it even. 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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