2016年3月10日 星期四

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-23

126. "兵來將擋, 水來土掩" 
A. People in the audience were asking the politician some very difficult questions.
B. Luckily, he was able to just roll with the punches and not let his emotions grow out of control.

Note. 這句話是由拳擊衍生而來, 表示拳擊手的肢體必須隨著對方出拳 (punch) 而搖晃擺動 (roll) 才不至於被擊中. 類似說法: take it as it comes 

127. "時間過得好慢" 
A. This project that we have to do is so boring!
B. I know. It makes it feel like the day is dragging on.

Note. 類似說法: Time is passing so slowly today; Today is lasting forever; It feels like today will never end. 

128. "你少臭美了" 
A. When I tried out for the talent show, I was easily the most beautiful girl in the room.
B. Wow! You're so full of yourself.

Note. 類似說法: You have a big head 

129. "划算; 物超所值" 
A. This computer is a little bit more expensive, but it has a lot more features.
B. You should buy it, then. You'll definitely get more bang for the buck than with the cheaper model.

Note. bang 本指 "碰的巨響", 在此引申 "火力; 武器"; buck 為俚語 "一美元". 此說法源自於美國國防部採用相同造價, 或獲得火力更強的武器. 類似說法: get a better deal dollar for dollar 

130. "沒人攔著你" 
A. I think I'll take next Friday off from work to go to the museum.
B. Well, the boss won't be here that day, so no one's stopping you.

Note. 類似說法: No one's holding you back; Nothing is standing in your way; Go ahead. 

131. "加把勁" 
A. Freddy got another bad grade on his math test.
B. He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to get into a good high school.

Note. 類似說法: get/pull oneself together 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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