2016年2月18日 星期四

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-14

73. "別坐失良機" 
A. I still have a few more days to apply for the refund on my income tax.
B. Don't let it slip through your fingers. Go take care of it right now.

Note. 類似說法 Don't let it get away ; Don't miss your chance. 

74. "我瞎猜的" 
A. Do you know who played the part of the villain in this film?
B. I'll say Brad Pitt, but that's just a shot in the dark.

75. "他根本應付不來" 
A. Is Lawrence still working full-time and going to school at night?
B. Yes, but not for long. He's in over his head, and there's no way he can keep doing both.

Note. sb is in over one's head 原指 "水深超過某人頭頂" , 用來比喻 "置身應付不了的情境", 有不自量力的意思. 

76. "你決定" 
A. Should we wait for Ken a little longer or just go into the theater without him?
B. He's your boyfriend, Denise, so it's your call.

Note. 類似說法: It's your choice; It's your decision ; It's up to you 

77. "撐著點" 
A. I am so tired, but I need to finish this project tonight.
B. Just hang in there! It should take you only a few more hours to complete it.

78. "不相上下" 
A. Which cell phone are you going to get?
B. Well, I've been comparing the features of the two that I like, and right now they're neck and neck.

Note. 這個說法來自賽馬, 當馬以頸先持奪點, 稱為 the horse wins by a nect, 當兩匹馬呈現 neck and neck 說明競爭激烈, 勝負難分. 

79. "我對...一無所知" 
A. Can you help me setup this computer program?
B. I won't be much help. I know zip about computers.

Note. zip 做名詞指 拉鍊, 由於音近 zero, 故在美式口語用來表示 "無, 沒有 (nothing at all)" 

80. "種什麼因, 得什麼果" 
A. I can't believe that Tim is so mean to his employees.
B. Well, what goes around comes around. He'll be treated the same way someday.

81. "試了再說" 
A. Is that a peanut butter and banana sandwich you're making? What a weird combination!
B. It tastes really good. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

Note. 類似說法: You'll never know until you try. 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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