2016年2月14日 星期日

[Linux 文章收集] NFS server and client installation on CentOS 7

Source From Here 
This guide explains how to configure NFS server in CentOS 7.0 Network File System (NFS) is a popular distributed filesystem protocol that enables users to mount remote directories on their server. The system lets you leverage storage space in a different location and write onto the same space from multiple servers in an effortless manner. It, thus, works fairly well for directories that users need to access frequently. This tutorial explains the process of mounting NFS share on an CentOS 7.0 server in an simple and easy-to-follow steps. 

1 Preliminary Note 
I have fresh installed CentOS 7.0 server, on which I am going to install the NFS server. My CentOS server have hostname server1.example.com and IP as 
You can have your CentOS server installed from the tutorial. Alternatively we need a CentOS 7.0 client machine either server/desktop. I my case I will use an CentOS 7.0 desktop with hostname client1.example.com and IP as192.168.0.101 Again I will be running all the commands with root credentials. 

2 At NFS server end 
Now we will install these packages at the CentOS 7.0 server end as: 
# yum install nfs-utils

Now the configuration part will include as: 
# mkdir /var/nfsshare

Change the permissions of the folder as follows: 
# chmod -R 777 /var/nfsshare/

We have used /var/nfsshare as, if we uses any other drive such as any /home directory then it will cause a massive permissions problem and ruin the whole hierarchy. If in case we want to share the /home directory then permissions must not be changed. Next we need to start the services and add them to the boot menu. 
# systemctl enable rpcbind
# systemctl enable nfs-server
# systemctl enable nfs-lock
# systemctl enable nfs-idmap
# systemctl start rpcbind
# systemctl start nfs-server
# systemctl start nfs-lock
# systemctl start nfs-idmap

Now we will share the NFS directory over the network a follows: 
# vi /etc/exports
  1. #  [分享目錄]   [第一部主機(權限)]     [可用主機名]    [可用萬用字元]  
  2. # ex:  
  3. # /tmp   localhost(rw)   *.ev.ncku.edu.tw(ro,sync)  
  4. /var/nfsshare,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)  
  5. /home  ,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)  

Note is the IP of client machine, if you wish that any other client should access it you need to add that IP. Otherwise you can add "*" instead of IP for all IP access. Condition is that it must be pingable at both ends. Finally start the NFS service as follows: 
# systemctl restart nfs-server

Again we need to add the NFS service override in CentOS 7.0 firewall-cmd public zone service as: 
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=nfs
# firewall-cmd --reload

Now we are ready with the NFS server part. 

3 NFS client end 
In my case I have the client as CentOS 7.0 desktop. Other CentOS versions will also work for the same. Install the packages as follows: 
# yum install nfs-utils

Now create the NFS directory mount point as follows: 
# mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/home
# mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/var/nfsshare

Start the services and add them to boot menu. 
# systemctl enable rpcbind
# systemctl enable nfs-server
# systemctl enable nfs-lock
# systemctl enable nfs-idmap
# systemctl start rpcbind
# systemctl start nfs-server
# systemctl start nfs-lock
# systemctl start nfs-idmap

Next we will mount the NFS shared content in the client machine as shown below: 
# mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs/home/

It will mount /home of NFS server. Next we will mount /var/nfsshare as follows: 
# mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs/var/nfsshare/

Now we are connected with the NFS share, we will crosscheck it as follows: 
# df -kh
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
... 39G 980M 38G 3% /mnt/nfs/var/nfsshare 19G 33M 19G 1% /mnt/nfs/home

4 Permanent NFS mounting 
We need to mount the NFS share at client end permanent that it must be mounted even after reboot. So we need to add the NFS-share in /etc/fstab file of client machine as follows: 
# vi /etc/fstab
  1. ...  
  2.    /mnt/nfs/home   nfs defaults 0 0  
  3.    /mnt/nfs/var/nfsshare   nfs defaults 0 0  

VBird - 檔案伺服器之一:NFS 伺服器



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