2016年1月21日 星期四

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-2

7. "說曹操, 曹操到" 
A. Hi Jane! Hi Mike! What are you guys doing?
B. Well, speak of the devil, Tom! We were just talking about you.

8. "吹噓" 
A. Is Kevin really that good at basketball?
B. He says he is, but I think he's just blowing smoke.

Note. 可用動詞 brag 或 boast 來表示. 

9. 胡說八道 
A. Do you want to listen to the politician's speech tonight?
B. I never listen to politicians. So many of them are just full of hot air.

Note. full of beans, full of bull, full of it. 

10. 挫挫銳氣; 消消氣焰 
A. Tim is always bragging about how great of a a tennis player he is.
B. He should play with my brother Alex some time. I promise you that Alex will take him down a notch.

11. "多管閒事" 
A. How do you like the new office manager?
B. She's driving me crasy. She insists on having a finger in every pie.

12. "住嘴" 
A. The children are arguing about who gets to play with the toy.
B. Well, tell them to put a lid on it. Otherwise, I'm going to take the toy away.

Note. be quiet, shut up, shut your trap, pipe down, zip it, hush up. 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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