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I used the -R and -K (Preloads packets into RAM before sending.) option but it doesnt seem to be working as I captured the pumped traffic using tcpdump and the number of packets that I see there dont seem to match the number of packets that I expect in the time frame.
First of all make sure you are using the latest version, available here. You will want to use the -K and --mbps (or -M, Replay packets at a given Mbps.) options, for example:
When you attempt to move to higher speeds (e.g. 10GigE) you may need to generate a bigger block of data by using the --loop (Loop through the capture file X times.) option. Also with Tcpreplay version 4.0 there are the more advanced--netmap (Write packets directly to netmap enabled network adapter.) and --unique-ip (Modify IP addresses each loop iteration to generate unique flows. This option must appear in combination with the following options: loop.) options which on a properly set up system, will achieve near wire rate and very high flows/sec. More information available at Tcpreplay How To. Here is an example:
I used the -R and -K (Preloads packets into RAM before sending.) option but it doesnt seem to be working as I captured the pumped traffic using tcpdump and the number of packets that I see there dont seem to match the number of packets that I expect in the time frame.
First of all make sure you are using the latest version, available here. You will want to use the -K and --mbps (or -M, Replay packets at a given Mbps.) options, for example:
When you attempt to move to higher speeds (e.g. 10GigE) you may need to generate a bigger block of data by using the --loop (Loop through the capture file X times.) option. Also with Tcpreplay version 4.0 there are the more advanced--netmap (Write packets directly to netmap enabled network adapter.) and --unique-ip (Modify IP addresses each loop iteration to generate unique flows. This option must appear in combination with the following options: loop.) options which on a properly set up system, will achieve near wire rate and very high flows/sec. More information available at Tcpreplay How To. Here is an example: