2015年6月22日 星期一

[ 常見問題 ] How to connect to Docker API from another machine?

Source From Here
I'm trying to use the Docker API to connect to docker daemon from another machine. I am able to do this command successfully:
# docker -H=tcp:// images

But NOT when I use the real IP address:
# docker -H=tcp:// images
2013/08/04 01:35:53 dial tcp connection refused

Why can't I connect when using a non-local IP?

Came across a similar issue, one thing I don't see mentioned here is you need to start docker to listen to both the network and a unix socket. All regular docker (command-line) commands on the host assume the socket:
// -H, --host=[] Daemon socket(s) to connect to
// -d, --daemon=false Enable daemon mode
# docker -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -d &

will start docker listening to any ip address on your host, as well as the typical unix socket.

Docker Doc - Docker Command Line - daemon
The Docker daemon is the persistent process that manages containers. Docker uses the same binary for both the daemon and client. To run the daemon you provide the -d flag. To run the daemon with debug output, use docker -d -D...



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