Prefix :
Both Part 5 and Part 6 test your knowledge of grammar and your ability to interpret correctly the meaning of a sentence. The practice section for Part 6, however, is different .It includes examples of Patterns to Remember and TOEIC Test Practice for these two groups of grammar patterns :
In Part6, you will read a letter, an e-mail, an article, or some other prose passage. In the passage, four words or phrases will be deleted. Each blank (a deleted word or phrase) will have four answer options written below. You are to choose the one that best completes the passage. Some of the blanks can be filled in by reading just one sentence. You will have to read and understand the whole passage to fill in some of the other blanks.
Strategies :
Your preparation for Part6 will be similar to your study of the strategies for Part5. In fact, may of the grammar topics in Part5 are tested again in Part6 in the new TOEIC test. There are inference questions that will oblige you to read the entire passage. These questions will focus on tense, pronouns, and contextual meaning. Study the Patterns to Remember in the grammar review section and pay close attention to the following common traps.
* In an adjective comparison in the superlative, make sure the is not omitted.
* In an adjective comparison in the comparative, make sure than is not omitted.
* Note which verbs can be followed by a gerund, which by an infinitive, and which by either.
* Make sure the modal matches the tense of the sentence.
* Determine whether the verbal adjective is the cause(-ing) or the object (-ed) of the feeling or reaction.
* A pronoun must agree with its antecedent.
* A pronoun must be the correct form.
Adjective Comparisons And Superlatives :
Adjectives can be used to compare two things (comparatives) or more than two things (superlatives). The comparisons can be made by adding endings to the base form of the word (prettier, the prettiest) or by placing more or most before the word (more intelligent, the most intelligent)
Patterns To Remember :
* The comparative form uses than.
* The precedes the adjective in the superlative form.
* When comparing three or more things, use the superlative.
* When comparing two things equally, use as + adjective + as.
* There are five irregular forms to be memorized.
Gerunds And Infinitives :
Gerunds (verb+ing) and infinitive (to + verb) are verb forms that can be used as nouns. They may be used in any position in a sentence where a noun may be used. When used as direct objects, the decision whether to use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb. These verb patterns must be memorized; lists may be found in most grammar reference books.
Patterns To Remember :
* Certain verbs take gerunds (admit, consider, enjoy, stop etc)
* Certain verbs take infinitive (afford, ask, decide, expect, etc)
Modals :
Modals are auxiliaries (helping words) that signal the tense of the verb and add to its meaning.
Patterns To Remember :
* A main verb in the present tense means a present modal in the subordinate clause.
* A main verb in the past tense means a past modal in the subordinate clause.
* Perfect modals are used when the action of a verb in the subordinate clause is supposed to have occurred already.
* Must has two distinct meanings. When must means "necessity,", the past is had to ; when it means a logical conclusion, the perfect form must have is used
Participles :
On the new TOEICE test, you must select the appropriate participle in a participial phrase and must be able to determine its correct position in a sentence.
Patterns To Remember :
* The participial phrase does not require a form of the verb be.
* The participial phrase must directly precede or follow the noun it is modifying.
* The past participle represents a reduced passive form. This means the person or thing it describe has received, not done, an action.
Verbal Adjective :
Patterns To Remember :
* The present participle, or -ing form, can be an adjective which describes the person or thing that created or is creating a feeling or reaction.
* The present participle can be an adjective which describe the use or purpose of a person or thing. It can also describe the activity that the person or thing is involved in.
* The past participle can be an adjective which describes the person or thing that received or is receiving the feeling or reaction.
Pronouns :
Pronouns can take the place of nouns or noun phrase. There are four forms of pronouns.
On the new TOEIC test, it is important to remember to use the appropriate pronoun (form) in the correct place (position) or the appropriate possessive adjective + noun phrase.
Patterns To Remember :
* Pronouns cannot follow their antecedents directly.
* Pronouns agree with their antecedents in number, gender, and grammatical function.
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張貼留言 (Atom)
[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge
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