2011年1月7日 星期五

[TOEIC Test] Part 5 : Incomplete Sentences (VERBS : CAUSATIVE)

Prefix :
Causative verbs show that someone or something made a certain action happen. The most common causative verbs are get, make and have. Verbs likeorder, cause, force and want can also be causative verbs. They are all followed by noun clause.

Patterns To Remember :
* If the direct object of the causative verbs make, have and let performed, performs, or will perform the action, the simple (base) form of a verb is used.
[He had the secretary signed for the package.]
He had the secretary sign for the package.

* If the direct object of other causative verbs (such as get, want, order, cause etc) performed, performs or will perform the action, to plus the simple (base) form of a verb is used.
He ordered everyone leave the room.
He ordered everyone to leave the room.

* If the direct object of the causative verb received, receives, or will receive the action, the past participle form of a verb is used.
We will want the invoices will be returned at once.
We will want the invoices returned at once.

Question :
* The severe weather conditions in the alpine regions forced the airlines ? all outgoing flights and divert incoming planes.
(A) canceling
(B) to cancel
(C) cancel
(D) canceled
Ans. D > B
force 使役動詞要加 to, 而 make/have/let 不用!
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 06/01/2011 20:47:09



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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