2016年6月2日 星期四

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-52

280. "在想什麼呢"? 
A. Hey, Lisa, you look so serious! A penny for your thoughts?
B. I'm just thinking about my parents and my old neighborhood. I think I'm a little homesick.

Note. 當你發現某人沉默不語, 悶悶不樂的時候, 是否想知道, 甚至願意用錢來買對方的想法? 在 a penny for your thoughts 這個說法中, 字面意思為 "用一分錢來買你的想法", 其實是在對方看起來若有所思, 而你想知道對方在想什麼時候, 就可以用這個說法來詢問對方. 類似說法: What are you thinking about? 

281. "他還在猶豫不決" 
A. Has your son Mike decided which university he will attend?
B. Not yet. He got accepted to two very good schools, and he's still sitting on the fence.

Note. 一個人若坐在籬笆上而未選任何一邊, 就表示該人立場不明, 此外 sit on the fence 亦可用來指某人因不想得罪任何一方而不選邊站, 採取中立的態度. 類似說法: He is indecisive

282. "打起精神來" 
A. I'm so nervous. That test was difficult and I think I did terribly. My scores must be awful.
B. You studied really hard for this exam, so keep your chin up. You probably didn't do as poorly as you think.

283. "閉嘴!" 
A. Mom, I don't want to go to grandma's house this weekend. It's the first weekend that I've had off since the beginning of the semester, and I would rather hang out with my friends.
B. Zip your lip! I don't want to hear another word. We are going to grandma's house and that is final!

Note. 類似說法: be quiet; shut up; button your lip 

284. "人多反誤事" 
A. The boss wants at least ten people working on this project.
B. I will try to get him to cut the team down to five because too many cooks spoil the broth.

Note. 反義說法: Many hands make light work. 

285. "我們就算扯平了" 
A. Jamie, how much do I owe you for dinner?
B. Since you paid for dinner last time, I'll pay for this one, and we'll cat it even.



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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