2015年9月3日 星期四

[ 常見問題 ] How to flatten an image with 127 parents

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Newbie question: if I've managed to make an image with 127 layers (I know, bad form), is there a way to flatten it?

It seems like most solutions require making a container as the first step, but since I'm already at 127 layers in my image, I can't do that. When I try to I get an error ""Error response from daemon: Cannot create container with more than 127 parents"

You can flatten an image with docker export and then docker import. That will take all the existing layers and export them as a single file system image, in a tarball. Then import will bring it back in again as an image.
1. docker run --name mycontainer image to create a container (the container name mycontainer is just an example)
2. docker export --output=mycontainer.tar mycontainer the container to a tarball (mycontainer.tar is just an example)
3. cat mycontainer.tar | docker import - mynewimage:imported the tarball (the image name mynewimage:imported is just an example)



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