2016年3月29日 星期二

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-29

157. "風水輪流轉" 
A. Patrick finally won a tennis match against his older brother.
B. Well, every dog has its day.

158. "你是跟我開玩笑的吧?" 
A. My brother just called and told me he won the lottery.
B. Are you pulling my leg.

Note. 類似說法: You must be kidding; No kidding/joke? 

159. "別被沖昏頭了!" 
A. I want to redecorate the living room and maybe paint it a new color.
B. Don't get carried away! We just painted it last year.

Note. be/get carried away 是指 "對某事物醉心著迷到失去對自我控制的地步". 

160. "你陷入兩難了" 
A. If I go to Tim's party, I'll run into my old girlfriend, and I don't want that. But if I don't go, Tim will be angry with me.
B. I am afraid you're in a catch-22.

Note. 此說法源自於 1960 年小說 <<第二十二條軍規>>. 書中提到有一條規則是軍人必須精神異常才能提出不出任務的申請, 但主動提出申請的人精神狀態應該是正常, 因此 catch-22 被用來形容 "進退兩難". 
類似說法: You're caught in a dilemma; You're in a no-win situation; You're caught between a rock and a hard place 

161. "煞風景, 美中不足" 
A. How was the movie?
B. It was ok, but a little kid behind me who kept talking was a real fly in the ointment.

Note. a fly in the ointment 相當於中文裡的 "一顆老鼠屎, 壞了一鍋粥" 的意思. 

162. "你都分身乏術了" 
A. There's no way I can finish this project in time. I have so many other things I have to do first.
B. You've spread yourself too thin. Stop taking on new jobs!

Note. 類似說法: You've bitten off more than you can chew. 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

  Source From  Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 #   git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上  gi...