2016年3月15日 星期二

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-25

138. "你真是個小氣鬼" 
A. I refuse to eat at restaurants that put a service charge on the bill.
B. You are such a scrooge! The people who serve you have to make money too!

Note. Scrooge 原是查爾斯. 狄更斯 的小說裡的角色, 他為人孤僻吝嗇, 後來 scrooge 一字便用來指 "一毛不拔; 鐵公雞". 
類似說法: You are so stingy; You are tight-fisted; You are a skinflint; You are such a tightwad 

139. "那我就放心了" 
A. The flood should't affect your side of town.
B. Thank goodness! That's a weight off my mind.

Note. 類似說法: What a relief ; Now I am relieved; Now I can relax 

140. "沒辦法, 老天的安排" 
A. It looks like all the tickets to tonight's show are sold out!
B. Oh, well. That's the way the cookie crumbles. Let's find something else to do instead.

Note. 動詞 crumble 意為 "粉碎; 碎裂". 這句話引伸為 "世上的事就是如此". 類似說法: That's the way it is; That's how things turn out; That's the way the ball bounces 

141. "別自找麻煩了" 
A. Should I talk to Ellen about her rude behavior the last time I saw her?
B. That happened so long ago. You should just let sleeping dogs lie.

142. "不值一提" 
A. How was your hike last weekend?
B. It was Ok, but nothing to write home about.

Note. 類似說法: Nothing special 

143. "我比不上他" 
A. Cynthia looks so beautiful in that yellow dress.
B. I know. With what I am wearing, I can't hold a candle to her.

Note. 古代工藝學徒都要為師父舉燭台, 師傅在工作時才看得清楚. can't hold a candle to sb 便是指 "連為某人舉燭台的資格都沒有". 



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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