2018年2月24日 星期六

[ Python 常見問題 ] unfold function in python

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I have started practicing functional programming in python recently. Lets say I define a function that gets an array of digits and concatenates it: 
>>> def fromDigits(digits): 
... return reduce(lambda x, y: 10 * x + y, digits, 0) 
>>> fromDigits([1, 2, 3]) 

Now I want to implement the reverse function: 
  1. def toDigits(num):  
  2.    return unfold(lambda m,digits: (m/10,digits+[m % 10]) if m>0 else None,  num,  [])  
But I couldn't find a definition of unfold in the python functools or anywhere in the standard library. 

unfold is not a python function ... here is a recursive solution: 
  1. def to_digits(x):  
  2.     if not x: return []  
  3.     return to_digits(x//10) + [x%10]  
  5. to_digits(12345)  



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

  Source From  Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 #   git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上  gi...