The AMQ message store, like KahaDB, is a combination of a transactional journal for reliable persistence (to survive system crashes) and high-performance indexes, which makes this store the best option when message throughput is the main requirement for an application. But because it uses two separate files for every index, and there’s an index per destination, the AMQ message store shouldn’t be used if you intend to use thousands of queues per broker. Also, recovery can be slow if the ActiveMQ broker isn’t shut down cleanly.
The AMQ message store internals:
The main components of the AMQ message store are similar to that of the KahaDB message store, in that there’s a cache, message data logs, and a reference store for accessing the data logs in order. Figure 5.5 provides a high-level diagram of the AMQ message store.
The diagram provides a view of the three distinct parts of the AMQ message store:
- The data logs: These act as a message journal.
- The cache: This holds messages for fast retrieval in memory after they’ve been written to the data logs.
- The reference store: This holds references to the messages in the journal that are indexed by their message ID.
The AMQ message store directory structure:
When you start ActiveMQ with the AMQ message store configured, a directory will automatically be created in which the persistent messages are held. The AMQ message store directory contains subdirectories for all the brokers that are running on the machine. For this reason it’s strongly recommended that each broker use a unique name. In the default configuration for ActiveMQ, the broker name is localhost, which needs to changed to something unique. This directory structure is represented in figure 5.6—the AMQ store directory structure.
The following directories and files can be found inside the data directory of an ActiveMQ broker:
- A lock file
- A temp-storage directory
- The kr-store
- The journal directory
- The archive directory
Configuring the AMQ message store:
The AMQ store configuration allows the user to change its basic behaviour around indexing, checkpoint intervals, and the size of the journal data files. These items and many more can be customized through the use of properties. The key properties for the AMQ store are shown in table 5.2.
Table 5.2 Configuration properties for the AMQ message store
Below is an example of using the properties from table 5.2 in an ActiveMQ XML configuration file:
This is but a small example of a customized configuration for the AMQ store using the available properties.
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[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge
Source From Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 # git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上 gi...