Step0 : Download ExtJS.
Step1 : Download spket.
Step2 : You may download Afterward, decompressed it and put two folders 'plugins' & 'features' into corresponding place of eclipse. Finally, start Eclipse and make some setting for spket.
Step3 : Start Eclipse and enter Window -> Preferences. Find Spket item and choose JavaScript Profiles. Afterward, click on New button.
Step4 :Add lib
Step5 : Add lib files
Ste6 : Set ExtJS as default
Introduction to ExtJS packages
* adapter : Core codes and basic libs.
* air :
* build : The compressed code of ExtJS.
* docs : ExtJS developing document
* examples : Demo samples
* package : Package of ExtJS
* resource : Store resource such as picture and front-end decoration of ExtJS
* ext-all.js : Core lib of ExtJS which need to be included in during developing.
* ext-core.js : ExtJS core lib which need to be included in during developing.
* LICENSE.txt : ExtJS Using permission document.
補充說明 :
* Ext智能提示- Spket(Eclipse插件)