2010年11月5日 星期五

[ 文章收集 ] Performance Management : Leading for Performance

The Importance of Leadership : 
Leadership is critical to the achievement of high performance, no matter what your business or area of responsibility. It is also essential in helping others aspire to and attain high levels of performance for themselves and the organization. 
What managers say about leadership : 

A Popular Model : 
One of the most popular approaches to leadership is the idea of transactional and transformational leadership, developed by James McGregor Burns. 

Analyzing Your Competencies : 
Leading for performance requires that you recognize both the transactional and the transformational aspects of leadership, to bring out the best in your people. 
This questionnaire will help you to access your leadership competencies. You can also give it to other people, to understand more about their perception of your leadership approach. Please indicate the extend to which of the statements on the following page applies to you. Think about each statement and rate yourself according to the 5-point scale below, where : 

5 = always
4 = often
3 = sometimes
2 = rarely
1 = never

- Questionnaire 

- Scoring The Questionnaire 
The leadership competencies contained in the questionnaire covers skills and behaviors associated with modern leadership, and can be classified under these headings : 
Column 1 : Listening
Column 2 : Empowering
Column 3 : Adapting
Column 4 : Delivering
Column 5 : Self-understanding

- L.E.A.D.S 
Listen : 
To understand others and their thoughts, concerns and aspirations.

Empower : 
thers by giving them responsibility backed up by trust, training and support.

Adapt : 
To changing situations and always be ready to listen to and implement new ideas.

Deliver : 
High-quality results by setting clear goals and objectives which are linked to end results

Self-understand : 
As the more you can understand yourself and your impact on others, the easier it is for you to manage yourself and adapt your style to bring out the best in others.

Working Climate : 
The work climate is simply a way of describing how the workplace feels to those in it. It is influenced by the inter-relationships between people, the way the responsibilities are distributed, the way communication is managed, how decisions are made and the physical setting in which work takes place. Is your team climate sunny or stormy? Please check table below : 

TIPS For Improving The Weather : 
If you want to improve the climate in your team : 
* Communicate regularly; find out what people like about their work and what their aspirations are
* Create a shared vision so that everyone knows where they are going
* Improve the physical environment; changes can have a real effect on morale
* Use ideas from the team to make improvements to the way you all work
* Use people to their strengths; consider people's skills, abilities and aspirations, and allocate work accordingly

to manage the performance of others, you need to : 
* Be aware of your impact on others
* Be clear about your priorities
* Manage your time in a whole-life sense
* Manage your stress levels

Understanding Your Impact On Others : 
To understand your impact on others : 
* Gain feedback from friends and colleagues
* Use a 360 degree feedback questionnaire
* Analyse your strengths and weaknesses and compare them to other successful leaders in your organization
* Find a mentor who can help you understand yourself
* Ask yourself what impression you and your office would give to a complete stranger

Through this process of feedback and reflection, think about : 
* The impression you would like to make
* How you could adjust or adapt your approach to get the best out of yourself and others

Setting Priorities : 
This exercise will help you to think further about how you manage your own performance. 
- Instructions : 
Using a sheet of blank paper, draw an image at the center to represent your job. 
Draw some main branches off this, to represent elements of your jobs, and then some smaller branches to elaborate on each of your key roles. 
You now have a mind map of your job : 
Analyzing the mind map will help you to understand how you are managing your current performance and what you need to focus on in the future. Use the following questions to help you in the analysis : 
* Looking at the key roles, what percentage of your time do you spend on each? (Note onto your mind map) 
* Indicate on your mind map which tasks you like (+++) and dislike (---). The degree of liking or disliking can be indicated by the number of pluses or minuses. 
* Now consider your personal effectiveness, ie: which tasks are you good at?
* Circle the tasks which you could delegate to others.
* Identify areas where you would benefit from some training and development.

- Setting Priorities 
Peter is an IT manager. He works for the IT director in a medium-sized organization which processes insurance claims. He always feels overworked and as if he is reacting to problems rather than preventing them. Below is Peter's mind map : 
When peter analysed his mind map, he realized that he needed to delegate more and coach his people to take on more responsibilities. This would leave Peter with more time to focus on overall scheduling for his department and take a more pro-active role. 
He also realized that he needed to manage upwards and influence the IT strategy and resources available to his team. Finally, he decided that he needed some training and development in the area of IT strategy and influencing skills. 
What message is your map giving you about how you manage your own performance and what you could do to enhance it? Note down your actions for : 
1. How will you spend your time?
2. What will you delegate to others?
3. How will you manage your career?
4. What training and development activities will you plan for yourself?

- Managing Your Time & Your Life 
To manage your time in a meaningful sense, identify the things you value in life (eg: career, health, family, fiends, learning, travel etc) and build them into your daily To Do list. 
When people are clear about what is really important to them, they can incorporate it into their overall approach to time management. As Sir John Harvey Jones says : 
"I will always need to believe that my work is worthwhile and of value, but now I now that there are many other things in my life which matter more. This feeling freed me to tackle riskds and so stick to my belief in ways which I now realize actually made me more likely to move ahead rather than the reverse."
'Making it Happen, Reflections on Leadership', Sir John Harvey Jones, 1994



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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