屬性 : 系統相關 - 文書處理
語法 : sed [參數] [語法] [檔案名稱]
參數 | 功能
sed 的語法眾多且複雜, 因此這裡只列出兩個常用語法如下 :
執行範例 :
以下範例將以 testfile 為例說明, testfile內容如下 :
* 將 testfile 的2-3行刪除.
john:~/test2 # sed '2,3d' testfile
start of line
this is line2
this is line3
this is line3
end of line
* 將內容中的第一個 is 字串換程 paper
john:~/test2 # sed 's/is/paper/' testfile
start of line
thpaper is line1
thpaper is line2
thpaper is line2
thpaper is line3
thpaper is line3
end of line
john:~/test2 # sed 's/is/paper/g' testfile <將所有 is 都替換成 paper>
start of line
thpaper paper line1
thpaper paper line2
thpaper paper line2
thpaper paper line3
thpaper paper line3
end of line
* 將含有2 的該行內容中, 若是有 line 這個字串, 全部替換成 special
john:~/test2 # sed '/2/s/line/special/g' testfile
start of line
this is line1
this is special2
this is special2
this is line3
this is line3
end of line
* 把含有 is 這個字串的列全部刪除
john:~/test2 # sed '/is/d' testfile
start of line
end of line
* 把 e 開頭的列全部刪除
john:~/test2 # sed '/^e/d' testfile <如果為 '/^$/d' 即為把所有空白列刪除>
start of line
this is line1
this is line2
this is line2
this is line3
this is line3
* 把含有 3 的字元的列全部列印出來
john:~/test2 # sed -n '/3/p' testfile <-n 是抑制預設秀出全部的動作>
this is line3
this is line3
* 把每一列的頭三個字刪除
john:~/test2 # sed 's/^...//' testfile <'^' 是指開頭, '$'則是結尾, 更多請參考正則表示式>
rt of line
s is line1
s is line2
s is line2
s is line3
s is line3
of line
* 將 is 替換成 is a (不含 this 的is)
john:~/test2 # sed 's/\( is\)/\1 a/g' testfile <把找到的 is 存起來,用 \1 取回來使用, 並使用 ' is' 來區分 this 的 is>
start of line
this is a line1
this is a line2
this is a line2
this is a line3
this is a line3
end of line
* 將 2~4列的 line 字串拿掉
john:~/test2 # sed '2,4s/line//' testfile
start of line
this is 1
this is 2
this is 2
this is line3
this is line3
end of line
補充說明 :
@. sed 與 awk 是 Linux 命令列下強大指令, 對於文書編輯與管理, 都是好用的東西.
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2010年9月14日 星期二
張貼留言 (Atom)
[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge
Source From Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 # git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上 gi...