2016年4月24日 星期日

[ 英語發燒句 ] Part-38

201. "別擔心" 
A. I don't have enough money to pay for the movie ticket.
B. Don't sweat it. I'll buy the ticket for you.

Note. 類似說法: Don't worry about it. 

202. "要就要, 不要就拉倒" 
A. I'm sure you can lower the price even more for me.
B. No, I can't. Take it or leave it.

203. "出錢的是老大" 
A. Can't we stay in a better hontel?
B. Not with my money. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Note. piper 指 "吹笛手", 此說法的典故源自以前英國村莊有需多藝人, 人們可以付錢請他們演奏或表演. 字面意思是 "付錢給吹笛師的人可以決定聽什麼曲子". 

204. "她抓到你什麼把柄" 
A. I hope Jenny doesn't talk to the boss about me.
B. Why? What does she have on you?

Note. have something on sb 是指 "捉到某人把柄" 

205. "好啊!" 
A. Would you like to go to a concert this weekend?
B. I'm down with that. Who's playing?

Note. 類似說法: I'm up for that; I'm fine with that; I'm OK with that. 

206. "連個人影也沒有" 
A. Did you meet up with your friends at the forest camp?
B. No, I waited there for two hours, but there was not a soul in sight.



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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