2011年1月6日 星期四

[TOEIC Test] Part 5 : Incomplete Sentences (TRANSITION WORDS)

Prefix :
Transition words are used to join two (or more) independent clauses or sentences. When connecting two independent clauses, they may be preceded by a semicolon.
Note: Only and else are usually preceded by a comma, not a semicolon. Common transition words include the following :
accordingly, furthermore, nevertheless, besides, however, for example, consequently, moreover, meanwhile, then, as a result, on the whole, hence, to this end, for this purpose, so, therefore, in addition...

It is very important to choose the correct transition word in order not to confuse the intended meaning.

Patterns To Remember :
Therefore, thus, so, accordingly, hence, and consequently are used to show a cause-and-effect relationship between two clauses.
[She produces the most; nevertheless, she will be promoted.]
She produces the most; consequently, she will be promoted.

* However and nevertheless are used to show something that contradicts a main clause.
[He would have been a good representative; so he doesn't not speak their language.]
He would have been a good representative; however, he doesn't speak their language.

Also, in addition, moreover, and furthermore are used to show that something i added to the idea of a main clause.
[There will be a memo on the subject; however, there will be an announcement.]
There will be a memo on the subject; in addition, there will be an announcement.

Question :
* The contract only runs for one year; ?, there are options to renew for two more years. Should we require their assistance further?
(A) meanwhile
(B) besides
(C) however
(D) moreover
Ans. A > C
語氣問題. 雖然(however)合約只有一年, 但是它可以有選項來延長兩年.

* Since its inception, the bank has lent $28 billion; ?, its membership has grown to include 16 regional countries.
(A) thus
(B) on the whole
(C) in addition
(D) nevertheless
Ans. A > C
thus 不是 TRANSITION WORDS而是副詞. 因為有 ';', 故要選 (C) in addition/除此之外.
He didn't work hard. Thus he was fired.
他工作不努力, 因此被解雇。
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 06/01/2011 20:13:27



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