2010年10月31日 星期日

[ 文章收集 ] Performance Management : What Is Performance Management?

Common Misconceptions : 
What is your definition of performance management? Most people associate it with concepts such as : 

* Appraisal
* Performance-related pay
* Targets and objectives
* Motivation and discipline

Yet, performance management is much more than this. 

A Definition : 
Performance management is about getting results. It is concerned with getting the best from people and helping them to achieve their potential. 
It is an approach to achieving a shared vision of the purpose and aims of the organisation. It is concerned with helping individuals and teams achieve their potential and recognize their role in contributing to the goals of the organisation. 

Shifts In Performance Management : 
The approach to performance management has changed over recent years and it is now recognized that enhancing individual and team performance will contribute to bottom-line results : 

The Performance Management Toolkit : 
In order to manage both their own performance and that of their team, managers need a toolkit of techniques and skills - 'tools' that work together to help individuals, teams and the organization excel. 
But, like a master craftsman, you need to know how and when to use each of the management tools. All the tools in this tooolbox are covered in follow up discussion. Below is a list of toolkit : 
* Performance Reviews
* Leadership Management Style
* Measuring Performance
* High Performing Teams
* Coaching
* Setting Objectives
* Empowering
* Delegating
* Managing For Performance

The Good Reasons to Get Started : 
If you only want three good reasons for developing your knowledge and approach to performance management, remember it will help to : 
1. Improve individual, team and organization performance.
2. Motivate, develop and release the potential of your people.
3. Enable you to succeed in your role as manager of performance!

Getting to The Heart of The Organization : 
Performance management gets to the very heart of the organization. It needs to reflect and support the organization's culture, strategy and style : 
* What is expected of team
* What they will be rewarded for
* How they should deliver results
* What results the organization is looking for on a business-wide scale?

A Consistent Approach : 
Effective performance management requires a consistent approach to : 
* Leadership
* The way individuals are treated
* The way teams operate
* The performance management system used
* The culture, purpose and strategy of the organization.

Does this the approach your organization take? 

An Inconsistent Approach : 
Inconsistency can lead to problems such as : 
* No clear direction, weak values and weak performance culture.
* Vague and inequitable objectives
* Variable and unfair appraisal/review, leading to a lack of improved performance and motivation
* Inadequate provision for training and development
* Poor communications due to bureaucracy

Or is this the approach your organization takes? 

Case Example1 : 
Proglem : 
Consider a sales organization which recognizes the customer service is vital in maintaining competitive advantage. An extensive customer service training programming completed, yet customer feedback indicates that there has been little improvement.

Reasons : 
This is because targets and incentives were based on volume of sales and not service. People will always focus their efforts on the areas of work for which they are rewarded!!!

Solution : 
The reward system needs to be altered to reflect the emphasis on service. It also needs to recognize the contribution of all members of the team, including back-office support.

Case Example2 : 
Problem : 
Consider the organization which advocates empowerment, passing responsibility down the line, yet fails to achieve this new approach.

Reasons : 
The leadership style at the top of the organization remains autocratic. Mistakes and risk-taking are not tolerated. Employees are not given the skills necessary to adjust successfully to the new approach.

Solutions : 
For it to work, empowerment requires trust from the top, training and coaching, and a different focus for incentives and rewards.

Creating A Sense of Mission : 
For performance management to work well, organizations need to have a clear picture of where they are going. This means communicating their purpose, strategy, the values they adhere to, and the standards of behavior they expect from their employees. If an organization is clear about these issues, it can communicate them to the employees through its performance management systems. 
A well-planned and implemented approach to performance management can achieve this sense of mission by providing : 
* Clarify on the organization's overall goals
* A framework for linking strategies and priorities to jobs
* Greater clarity on role requirements and support to employees
* Recognition of successes and regular feedback.
* A clear basis for promotion.
* A framework for development and improvement.

An organization with a consistent approach to performance management is like a first-class orchestra. A first-class orchestra is well conducted and clear about the symphony it is playing 
The instruments are all in tune and the musicians know their roles and the tempo to follow. They reach a crescendo together and enjoy the process.



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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