2017年8月29日 星期二

[ Git 常見問題 ] Force “git push” to overwrite remote files

Source From Here 
I want to push my local files, and have them on a remote repo, without having to deal with merge conflicts. I just want my local version to have priority over the remote one. 

You should be able to force your local revision to the remote repo by using 
# git push -f <remote> <branch>

(e.g. git push -f origin master). Leaving off and will force push all local branches that have set --set-upstream. 

Just be warned, if other people are sharing this repository their revision history will conflict with the new one. And if they have any local commits after the point of change they will become invalid. 

Update: Thought I would add a side-note. If you are creating changes that others will review, then it's not uncommon to create a branch with those changes and rebase periodically to keep them up-to-date with the main development branch. Just let other developers know this will happen periodically so they'll know what to expect. 

Update 2: Because of the increasing number of viewers I'd like to add some additional information on what to do when your upstream does experience a force push. Say I've cloned your repo and have added a few commits like so: 
  1.             D----E  topic  
  2.            /  
  3. A----B----C         development  
But later the development branch is hit with a rebase, which will cause me to receive an error like so when I run git pull: 
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done. 
* branch development -> FETCH_HEAD 
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in  
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Here I could fix the conflicts and commit, but that would leave me with a really ugly commit history: 
  1.        C----D----E----F    topic  
  2.       /              /  
  3. A----B--------------C'  development  
It might look enticing to use git pull --force but be careful because that'll leave you with stranded commits: 
  1. D----E   topic  
  3.          development  
So probably the best option is to do a git pull --rebase. This will require me to resolve any conflicts like before, but for each step instead of committing I'll use git rebase --continue. In the end the commit history will look much better: 
  1.             D'---E'  topic  
  2.            /  
  3. A----B----C'         development  
Update 3: You can also use the --force-with-lease option as a "safer" force push, as mentioned by Cupcake in his answer: 
Force pushing with a "lease" allows the force push to fail if there are new commits on the remote that you didn't expect (technically, if you haven't fetched them into your remote-tracking branch yet), which is useful if you don't want to accidentally overwrite someone else's commits that you didn't even know about yet, and you just want to overwrite your own: 
# git push <remote> <branch> --force-with-lease 
You can learn more details about how to use --force-with-lease by reading any of the following: 
* git push documentation 
* Git: How to ignore fast forward and revert origin [branch] to earlier commit?



[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

  Source From  Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 #   git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上  gi...