2014年4月22日 星期二

[ MPI 常見問題 ] MPI - error loading shared libraries

來源自 這裡
The problem I faced has been solved here: Loading shared library in open-mpi/ mpi-run

I know not how, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH or specifying -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH fixes the problem, when my installation itself specifies the necessary -L arguments. My installation is in ~/mpi/. I have also included my compile-link configs.
$ mpic++ -showme:version 
mpic++: Open MPI 1.6.3 (Language: C++)

$ mpic++ -showme
g++ -I/home/vigneshwaren/mpi/include -pthread -L/home/vigneshwaren/mpi/lib
-lmpi_cxx -lmpi -ldl -lm -Wl,--export-dynamic -lrt -lnsl -lutil -lm -ldl

$ mpic++ -showme:libdirs

$ mpic++ -showme:libs
mpi_cxx mpi dl m rt nsl util m dl % Notice mpi_cxx here %

When I compiled with mpic++ <file> and ran with mpiexec a.out I got a (shared library) linker error:
error while loading shared libraries: libmpi_cxx.so.1: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The error has been fixed by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATHThe question is how and why? What am i missing? Why is LD_LIBRARY_PATH required when my installation looks just fine.

libdl, libm, librt, libnsl and libutil are all essential system-wide libraries and they come as part of the very basic OS installation. libmpi and libmpi_cxx are part of the Open MPI installation and in your case are located in a non-standard location that must be explicitly included in the linker search path LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

It is possible to modify the configuration of the Open MPI compiler wrappers and make them pass the -rpath option to the linker-rpath takes a library path and appends its to a list, stored inside the executable file, which tells the runtime link editor (a.k.a. the dynamic linkerwhere to search for libraries before it consults theLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. For example, in your case the following option would suffice:
  1. -Wl,-rpath,/home/vigneshwaren/mpi/lib  
This would embed the path to the Open MPI libraries inside the executable and it would not matter if that path is part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH at run time or not.

GCC Options for Linking
-Wl,option : Pass option as an option to the linker. If option contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.



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  Source From  Here 方案1: // x -----删除忽略文件已经对 git 来说不识别的文件 // d -----删除未被添加到 git 的路径中的文件 // f -----强制运行 #   git clean -d -fx 方案2: 今天在服务器上  gi...