2013年9月25日 星期三

[ Google CT2004 ] RoundA : Problem B. Rational Number Tree

Consider an infinite complete binary tree where the root node is 1/1 and left and right childs of node p/q are p/(p+q) and (p+q)/q, respectively. This tree looks like: 

It is known that every positive rational number appears exactly once in this tree. A level-order traversal of the tree results in the following array: 
1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 1/3, 3/2, 2/3, 3/1, ...

Please solve the following two questions: 
1. Find the n-th element of the array, where n starts from 1. For example, for the input 2, the correct output is 1/2.
2. Given p/q, find its position in the array. As an example, the input 1/2 results in the output 2.

The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case consists of one line. The line contains a problem id (1 or 2) and one or two additional integers: 
If the problem id is 1, then only one integer n is given, and you are expected to find the n-th element of the array.
If the problem id is 2, then two integers p and q are given, and you are expected to find the position of p/q in the array.

For each test case: 
If the problem id is 1, then output one line containing "Case #x: p q", where x is the case number (starting from 1), and p, q are numerator and denominator of the asked array element, respectively.
If the problem id is 2, then output one line containing "Case #x: n", where x is the case number (starting from 1), and n is the position of the given number.

1 ≤ T ≤ 100; p and q are relatively prime. 

Small dataset 
1 ≤ n, p, q ≤ 216-1; p/q is an element in a tree with level number ≤ 16. 

Large dataset 
1 ≤ n, p, q ≤ 264-1; p/q is an element in a tree with level number ≤ 64. 

1 2
2 1 2
1 5
2 3 2

Case #1: 1 2
Case #2: 2
Case #3: 3 2
Case #4: 5

One Solution: 
1. Find the n-th element of the array, where n starts from 1. For example, for the input 2, the correct output is 1/2.

解問題的思維是當你能決定某個位置在 binary tree 走的路徑, 那接下來的運算就是簡單的加法. 假設父節點是 (p,q) 的話: 
- 往左邊是 (p,(p+q))
- 往右邊是 ((p+q),q)

所以接下來便是決定 n-th 在 binary tree 走的路徑. 接著我們把 n 轉成二進位對應到原先 binary tree: 

如此可以觀察到 0->往左邊; 1->往右邊 (紅色的數字可以忽略), 所以可以知道: 
n=4=100: 往左邊 > 往左邊
n=5=101: 往左邊 > 往右邊
n=6=110: 往右邊 > 往左邊

  1. public static class P1{  
  2.     public long p=1;  
  3.     public long q=1;  
  5.     public void move(char c)  
  6.     {  
  7.         if(c=='0') q = p+q;           
  8.         else p = p+q;             
  9.     }  
  11.     @Override  
  12.     public String toString() {return String.format("%d %d", p,q);}  
  13. }  
接著只要把 n 轉成二進位的字串後, 略過最左邊的位數後由左往右將每個位數傳入 move() 函數便可以得到問題一的答案. 

2. Given p/q, find its position in the array. As an example, the input 1/2 results in the output 2.

就使用反推的思維, 當 p>q 說明當上一次是由父節點的右邊移動; 如果 q>p 說明上一次是由父節點的左邊移動. 如此你可以得到行走的路徑, 跟據 0->往左邊; 1->往右邊 將之轉換成二進位後記得要反轉 (因為現在是倒著走 Orz). 所以問題二的類別如下: 
  1. public static class P2{  
  2.     public long p=0;  
  3.     public long q=0;  
  5.     public P2(long p, long q){this.p = p; this.q = q;}  
  7.     public String run()  
  8.     {  
  9.         int loop=0;  
  10.         StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();  
  11.         while(true)  
  12.         {  
  13.             if(p==1 && q==1break;  
  14.             else if(p>q)  
  15.             {  
  16.                 strBuf.append("1");  
  17.                 p = p-q;  
  18.             }  
  19.             else  
  20.             {  
  21.                 strBuf.append("0");  
  22.                 q = q-p;  
  23.             }  
  24.             loop++;  
  25.             if(loop==Integer.MAX_VALUE) System.err.printf("\t[Error] Exceed Int Max!\n");  
  26.         }  
  28.         if(loop==0return "1";  
  29.         else {                
  30.             BigInteger bi1 = new BigInteger(new StringBuilder(strBuf.toString()).reverse().toString(), 2);  
  31.             BigInteger bi2 = new BigInteger("2");  
  32.             bi1.add(bi2.pow(loop));               
  33.             return bi1.add(bi2.pow(loop)).toString();  
  34.         }             
  35.     }  
  36. }  
  1. package cj2014;  
  3. import java.math.BigInteger;  
  5. import flib.util.io.QSReader;  
  6. import flib.util.io.QSWriter;  
  8. public class PB {  
  9.     public static class P1{  
  10.         public long p=1;  
  11.         public long q=1;  
  13.         public void move(char c)  
  14.         {  
  15.             if(c=='0') q = p+q;           
  16.             else p = p+q;             
  17.         }  
  19.         @Override  
  20.         public String toString() {return String.format("%d %d", p,q);}  
  21.     }  
  23.     public static class P2{  
  24.         public long p=0;  
  25.         public long q=0;  
  27.         public P2(long p, long q){this.p = p; this.q = q;}  
  29.         public String run()  
  30.         {  
  31.             int loop=0;  
  32.             StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();  
  33.             while(true)  
  34.             {  
  35.                 if(p==1 && q==1break;  
  36.                 else if(p>q)  
  37.                 {  
  38.                     strBuf.append("1");  
  39.                     p = p-q;  
  40.                 }  
  41.                 else  
  42.                 {  
  43.                     strBuf.append("0");  
  44.                     q = q-p;  
  45.                 }  
  46.                 loop++;  
  47.                 if(loop==Integer.MAX_VALUE) System.err.printf("\t[Error] Exceed Int Max!\n");  
  48.             }  
  50.             if(loop==0return "1";  
  51.             else {                
  52.                 BigInteger bi1 = new BigInteger(new StringBuilder(strBuf.toString()).reverse().toString(), 2);  
  53.                 BigInteger bi2 = new BigInteger("2");  
  54.                 bi1.add(bi2.pow(loop));               
  55.                 return bi1.add(bi2.pow(loop)).toString();  
  56.             }             
  57.         }  
  58.     }  
  60.     /** 
  61.      * BD: https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2924486/dashboard#s=p1 
  62.      * @param args 
  63.      */  
  64.     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{  
  65.         String fn="B-large-practice.in";  
  66.         QSReader qsr = new QSReader(String.format("data/2014/%s", fn));  
  67.         QSWriter qsw = new QSWriter(String.format("data/2014/%s.out", fn));  
  68.         qsr.open();       
  69.         Integer pc = Integer.valueOf(qsr.line());  
  70.         System.out.printf("\t[Info] Total %d question...\n", pc);  
  71.         for(int i=1; i<=pc; i++)  
  72.         {  
  73.             String ps[] = qsr.line().split(" ");  
  74.             if(ps[0].equals("1"))  
  75.             {  
  76.                 // If the problem id is 1, then only one integer n is given,   
  77.                 // and you are expected to find the n-th element of the array.                
  78.                 try  
  79.                 {  
  80.                     char[] actions;  
  81.                     actions = Long.toBinaryString(Long.valueOf(ps[1])).toCharArray();  
  82.                     if(ps[1].length()>18) actions = new BigInteger(ps[1]).toString(2).toCharArray();  
  83.                     else actions = Long.toBinaryString(Long.valueOf(ps[1])).toCharArray();  
  84.                     P1 p1 = new P1();  
  85.                     for(int j=1; j
  86.                     System.out.printf("\t\tP1: %s -> %s\n", ps[1], p1);  
  87.                     qsw.line(String.format("Case #%d: %s", i, p1.toString()));  
  88.                 }  
  89.                 catch(Exception e)   
  90.                 {  
  91.                     System.out.printf("\t[Error] %s\n", e.toString());  
  92.                     qsw.line(String.format("Case #%d: -1", i));  
  93.                 }  
  94.             }  
  95.             else if(ps[0].equals("2"))  
  96.             {  
  97.                 // If the problem id is 2,   
  98.                 // then two integers p and q are given, and you are expected to find the position of p/q in the array.  
  99.                 P2 p2 = new P2(Long.valueOf(ps[1]), Long.valueOf(ps[2]));  
  100.                 String asw = p2.run();  
  101.                 System.out.printf("\t\tP2: %s %s -> %s\n", ps[1], ps[2], asw);  
  102.                 qsw.line(String.format("Case #%d: %s", i, asw));  
  103.             }  
  104.         }  
  105.         qsr.close();  
  106.         qsw.close();  
  107.     }  
  109. }  
[ Java 文章收集 ] BigInteger 的使用



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