2011年11月5日 星期六

[ Algorithm ] Viterbi algorithm : Finding the most likely sequence of hidden states

參考自 這裡
前言 :
在上 NLP 時剛好學到了這個 Algorithm, 因為有點複雜, 所以記錄在這方便以後參考. The Viterbi algorithm 使用 dynamic programming algorithm 來找出有最大可能性的 hidden states 的 sequence (或叫 Viterbi path). 其計算結果就是一個 observed events 的路徑或順序, 在 HMM (hidden Markov models - 隱藏馬克夫模型) 被使用來當作 decoder. 在使用這個 Algorithm 時是有一些假設 (Assumptions) :
* First, both the observed events and hidden events must be in a sequence. This sequence often corresponds to time.
* Second, these two sequences need to be aligned, and an instance of an observed event needs to correspond to exactly one instance of a hidden event.
* Third, computing the most likely hidden sequence up to a certain point t must depend only on the observed event at point t, and the most likely sequence at point t − 1.

而這樣的假設在 first-order HMM 是被滿足的. 最後底下是這個 Algorithm 的歷史典故 :
The Viterbi algorithm was conceived by Andrew Viterbi in 1967 as a decoding algorithm for convolutional codes over noisy digital communication links. For more details on the history of the development of the algorithm see David Forney's article.[1] The algorithm has found universal application in decoding the convolutional codes used in both CDMA and GSM digital cellular, dial-up modems, satellite, deep-space communications, and 802.11 wireless LANs. It is now also commonly used inspeech recognition, keyword spotting, computational linguistics, and bioinformatics. For example, in speech-to-text (speech recognition), the acoustic signal is treated as the observed sequence of events, and a string of text is considered to be the "hidden cause" of the acoustic signal. The Viterbi algorithm finds the most likely string of text given the acoustic signal.

概念說明 :
在開始談 Algorithm/coding 之前, 我們先來了解一下 Viterbi algorithm 是要解什麼問題, 還有他的運作環境與條件是什麼? 首先考慮我們有一個 State machine 如下 :

從上面的 State machine 主要是由 3 個 States 組成 Start, Rainy 與 Sunny. 而 State 間的轉換滿除下面機率模型 (又稱 Table A) :
P(Rainy|Start) = 0.6 ; P(Sunny|Start) = 0.4 # 0.4 + 0.6 = 1
P(Rainy|Rainy) = 0.7 ; P(Sunny|Rainy) = 0.3 # 0.7 + 0.3 = 1
P(Sunny|Sunny) = 0.6 ; P(Rainy|Sunny) = 0.4 # 0.6 + 0.4 = 1

問題是我們是想從未來的時間來推斷天氣是 Sunny/Rainny (未知), 雖然天氣是未知但是我們有觀察到一些行為與天氣相關聯 (已知) , 而其機率模型為 (又稱 Table B) :
P(Walk|Rainy) = 0.1 ; P(Shop|Rainy) = 0.4 ; P(Clean|Rainy) = 0.5 # 0.1 + 0.4 + 0.5 = 1
P(Walk|Sunny) = 0.6 ; P(Shop|Sunny) = 0.3 ; P(Clean|Sunny) = 0.1 # 0.6 + 0.3 + 0.1 = 1

其中 P(Walk:Shop:Clean|Rainy) 可以想成當天氣下雨時, 你會散步的機率是 0.1; 逛街的機率是 0.4; 打掃家裡的機率是 0.5. 因此我們打算透過觀察的行為順序 (已知) 來推斷 "最有可能" 的天氣的發生順序 (未知). 而這便是 Viterbi algorithm 要解的問題!

演算法說明 :
知道了這個演算法想解決的問題, 接著我們來看看這個演算法運算的原理是什麼. 我們以上面說明的 State machine 當作範例進行說明, 首先任何的 State machine 都會有一個起始狀態 (Start). 我們會在每一步產生由當前這一步到前面一步最有可能的狀態, 並將之紀錄起來方便結算時我們可以從最後一步推算到第一步. 接著假設我們有觀察到某五天的行為依序是 Walk->Walk->Shop->Clean. 接著我們要透過之前兩個機率模型來推斷這四天最有可能的天氣分布會是什麼. 首先第一天推算結果如下 :

第二天則基於第一天結果往下推算, 從下面說明可以知道第二天推算結果 :

基於第二天運算結果, 從下面說明可以知道第三天運算結果 :

基於第三天結果, 從下面說明可以知道最後一天運算結果並推算最後一天 "最有可能" 是 Rainy :

接著我們開始透過剛剛紀錄每一步求出前一步最有可能的天氣, 並將結果串連起來便得到我們想預測的天氣順序 : Sunny > Sunny > Rainy > Rainy

Coding 實作 :
基於上述說明, 底下我們用 Java 實現這樣的 Algorithm 並套用上面 State machine 的範例運算 :
- Viterbi.java :
  1. package alg.others;  
  3. import java.util.HashMap;  
  4. import java.util.Stack;  
  6. public class Viterbi {  
  7.     enum Weather {Start,Rainy, Sunny}  
  8.     enum Action {Walk,Shop,Clean}  
  10.     public static float max(float a, float b){return a>=b?a:b;}  
  11.     public static void main(String args[])  
  12.     {  
  13.         /*Prepare Table A*/  
  14.         HashMap> tableA = new HashMap>();  
  15.         HashMap rainyProb = new HashMap();  
  16.         HashMap sunnyProb = new HashMap();  
  17.         HashMap startProb = new HashMap();  
  18.         startProb.put(Weather.Rainy, (float)0.6); /*Start to Rainy is 0.6*/  
  19.         startProb.put(Weather.Sunny, (float)0.4); /*Start to Sunny is 0.6*/  
  20.         rainyProb.put(Weather.Rainy, (float)0.7); /*Rainy to Rainy is 0.7*/  
  21.         rainyProb.put(Weather.Sunny, (float)0.3); /*Rainy to Sunny is 0.3*/  
  22.         sunnyProb.put(Weather.Rainy, (float)0.6); /*Sunny to Rainy is 0.4*/  
  23.         sunnyProb.put(Weather.Sunny, (float)0.4); /*Sunny to Sunny is 0.6*/  
  24.         tableA.put(Weather.Rainy, rainyProb);  
  25.         tableA.put(Weather.Sunny, sunnyProb);  
  26.         tableA.put(Weather.Start, startProb);  
  28.         /*Prepare Table B*/  
  29.         HashMap> tableB = new HashMap>();  
  30.         HashMap rainyActProb = new HashMap();  
  31.         HashMap sunnyActProb = new HashMap();  
  32.         rainyActProb.put(Action.Walk, (float)0.1);  
  33.         rainyActProb.put(Action.Shop, (float)0.4);  
  34.         rainyActProb.put(Action.Clean, (float)0.5);  
  35.         sunnyActProb.put(Action.Walk, (float)0.6);  
  36.         sunnyActProb.put(Action.Shop, (float)0.3);  
  37.         sunnyActProb.put(Action.Clean, (float)0.1);  
  38.         tableB.put(Weather.Rainy, rainyActProb);  
  39.         tableB.put(Weather.Sunny, sunnyActProb);  
  41.         /*Prepare buffer to store the current status after processing.*/  
  42.         HashMap curStatus = new HashMap();  
  43.         /*Prepare stack to store the weather of each day.*/  
  44.         /*Stack sample code : http://www.easywayserver.com/blog/java-stack-example/*/  
  45.         /*Queue sample code : http://www.easywayserver.com/blog/java-queue-example/*/  
  46.         HashMap prevWeather = null;  
  47.         Stack> wStack = new Stack>();  
  48.         /*Observed Actions*/  
  49.         Action actions[] = {Action.Walk, Action.Walk, Action.Shop, Action.Clean};  
  51.         for(int i=0; i
  52.         {  
  53.             if(wStack.size()==0)  
  54.             {  
  55.                 /*Initialization*/  
  56.                 float StoRainy = tableA.get(Weather.Start).get(Weather.Rainy) * tableB.get(Weather.Rainy).get(actions[i]);  
  57.                 float StoSunny = tableA.get(Weather.Start).get(Weather.Sunny) * tableB.get(Weather.Sunny).get(actions[i]);  
  58.                 curStatus.put(Weather.Rainy, StoRainy);  
  59.                 curStatus.put(Weather.Sunny, StoSunny);  
  60.                 System.out.printf("\t[Initialization] Start to Rainy is %4.3f...\n", StoRainy);  
  61.                 System.out.printf("\t[Initialization] Start to Sunny is %4.3f...\n", StoSunny);  
  62.                 prevWeather = new HashMap>();  
  63.                 prevWeather.put(Weather.Rainy, Weather.Start);  
  64.                 prevWeather.put(Weather.Sunny, Weather.Start);  
  65.                 if(StoRainy>=StoSunny)  
  66.                 {  
  67.                     /*Supposed to be Rainy*/  
  68.                     wStack.push(prevWeather);  
  69.                     System.out.printf("\t[Initialization] Day1 choose Rainy! (%4.3f >= %4.3f)\n", StoRainy, StoSunny);  
  70.                 }  
  71.                 else  
  72.                 {  
  73.                     /*Supposed to be Sunny*/  
  74.                     wStack.push(prevWeather);  
  75.                     System.out.printf("\t[Initialization] Day1 choose Sunny! (%4.3f, > %4.3f)\n", StoSunny, StoRainy);  
  76.                 }  
  77.             }  
  78.             else  
  79.             {  
  80.                 /*Recursion*/  
  81.                 prevWeather = new HashMap();  
  82.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] CurRainyProb=%4.4f...\n", curStatus.get(Weather.Rainy));  
  83.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] CurSunnyProb=%4.4f...\n", curStatus.get(Weather.Sunny));  
  84.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] Today do %s...\n", actions[i].name());  
  85.                 float RtoRainy = curStatus.get(Weather.Rainy) *  
  86.                                  tableA.get(Weather.Rainy).get(Weather.Rainy) *  
  87.                                  tableB.get(Weather.Rainy).get(actions[i]);  
  88.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] Rainy to Rainy is %4.4f...\n", RtoRainy);  
  89.                 float RtoSunny = curStatus.get(Weather.Rainy) *  
  90.                                  tableA.get(Weather.Rainy).get(Weather.Sunny) *  
  91.                                  tableB.get(Weather.Sunny).get(actions[i]);  
  92.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] Rainy to Sunny is %4.4f...\n", RtoSunny);  
  93.                 float StoRainy = curStatus.get(Weather.Sunny) *  
  94.                                  tableA.get(Weather.Sunny).get(Weather.Rainy) *  
  95.                                  tableB.get(Weather.Rainy).get(actions[i]);  
  96.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] Sunny to Rainy is %4.4f...\n", StoRainy);  
  97.                 float StoSunny = curStatus.get(Weather.Sunny) *  
  98.                                  tableA.get(Weather.Sunny).get(Weather.Sunny) *  
  99.                                  tableB.get(Weather.Sunny).get(actions[i]);  
  100.                 System.out.printf("\t[Recursion] Sunny to Sunny is %4.4f...\n", StoSunny);  
  102.                 if(RtoSunny>=StoSunny) prevWeather.put(Weather.Sunny, Weather.Rainy);  
  103.                 else prevWeather.put(Weather.Sunny, Weather.Sunny);  
  104.                 if(RtoRainy>=StoRainy) prevWeather.put(Weather.Rainy, Weather.Rainy);  
  105.                 else prevWeather.put(Weather.Rainy, Weather.Sunny);  
  106.                 curStatus.put(Weather.Rainy, max(RtoRainy,StoRainy));  
  107.                 curStatus.put(Weather.Sunny, max(RtoSunny,StoSunny));  
  108.                 wStack.push(prevWeather);  
  109.             }  
  110.         }  
  112.         Stack tStack = new Stack();  
  113.         Weather wer = curStatus.get(Weather.Rainy)>curStatus.get(Weather.Sunny)?Weather.Rainy:Weather.Sunny;       
  114.         tStack.push(wer);  
  115.         while(!wStack.isEmpty())  
  116.         {  
  117.             prevWeather = wStack.pop();  
  118.             tStack.push(prevWeather.get(tStack.peek()));  
  119.         }  
  120.         int i=0;  
  121.         while(!tStack.isEmpty())  
  122.         {             
  123.             System.out.printf("\t[Result] Day%d is %s...\n", i, tStack.pop().name());  
  124.             i++;  
  125.         }  
  126.     }  
  127. }  

執行結果 :
[Initialization] Start to Rainy is 0.060...
[Initialization] Start to Sunny is 0.240...
[Initialization] Day1 choose Sunny! (0.240, > 0.060)
[Recursion] CurRainyProb=0.0600...
[Recursion] CurSunnyProb=0.2400...
[Recursion] Today do Walk...
[Recursion] Rainy to Rainy is 0.0042...
[Recursion] Rainy to Sunny is 0.0108...
[Recursion] Sunny to Rainy is 0.0144...
[Recursion] Sunny to Sunny is 0.0576...
[Recursion] CurRainyProb=0.0144...
[Recursion] CurSunnyProb=0.0576...
[Recursion] Today do Shop...
[Recursion] Rainy to Rainy is 0.0040...
[Recursion] Rainy to Sunny is 0.0013...
[Recursion] Sunny to Rainy is 0.0138...
[Recursion] Sunny to Sunny is 0.0069...
[Recursion] CurRainyProb=0.0138...
[Recursion] CurSunnyProb=0.0069...
[Recursion] Today do Clean...
[Recursion] Rainy to Rainy is 0.0048...
[Recursion] Rainy to Sunny is 0.0004...
[Recursion] Sunny to Rainy is 0.0021...
[Recursion] Sunny to Sunny is 0.0003...
[Result] Day0 is Start...
[Result] Day1 is Sunny...
[Result] Day2 is Sunny...
[Result] Day3 is Rainy...
[Result] Day4 is Rainy...

上面代碼有點針對範例而寫, 不容易套到通用問題. 因此下面的 ViterbiAlg.groovy 算是一個工具讓你可以在決定機率矩陣 AB 與 π 後, 可以輕鬆使用此工具進行 HMM Decoding 的工作:
- ViterbiAlg.groovy
  1. class ViterbiAlg {  
  2.     def LZERO = -1*Math.pow(1010)  
  3.     def LSMALL = -0.5*Math.pow(1010)  
  4.     def minLogExp = -Math.log(-LZERO)  
  5.     def isDebug = false  
  6.     def shift=0  
  8.     def A = []                          // State MM  
  9.     def B = []                          // Observer Matrix  
  10.     def π = []                          // Default/Initial Prob.  
  11.     def SS = 0                          // State Size  
  12.     def OS = 0                          // Observation Size  
  14.     void dprintf(String fmt, ...Os)  
  15.     {  
  16.         if(isDebug) printf(fmt, Os)  
  17.     }  
  19.     /** 
  20.      * Input: x = log(x'); y = log(y') 
  21.      * Return: log(x'+y') 
  22.      * @param x 
  23.      * @param y 
  24.      * @return 
  25.      */  
  26.     double logAdd(double x, double y)  
  27.     {  
  28.         double temp, diff, z;  
  29.         if (x < y)  
  30.         {  
  31.             temp = x; x = y; y = temp;  
  32.         }  
  33.         diff = y-x; // notice that diff <= 0  
  34.         if (diff < minLogExp)   // if y' is far smaller than x'  
  35.             return (x < LSMALL) ? LZERO : x;  
  36.         else  
  37.         {  
  38.             z = Math.exp(diff);  
  39.             return x + Math.log(1.0 + z);  
  40.         }  
  41.     }  
  43.     /** 
  44.      * Input: d1, d2, ... dn 
  45.      * Return: Log(d1)+Log(d2)+...+Log(dn) 
  46.      * @param ds 
  47.      * @return 
  48.      */  
  49.     double logSum(Double ...ds)  
  50.     {  
  51.         double lSum=0  
  52.         ds.each {             
  53.             lSum+=Math.log(it)  
  54.             //lSum*=it  
  55.         }  
  56.         return lSum  
  57.     }  
  59.     void setPM(def A, def B, def π){setA(A); setB(B); this.π = π;}  
  61.     void setA(def A)  
  62.     {  
  63.         this.A = A  
  64.         SS = A.size()  
  65.     }  
  67.     void setB(def B)  
  68.     {  
  69.         this.B = B  
  70.         OS = B[0].size()  
  71.     }  
  73.     double backward(List olist)  
  74.     {  
  75.         def β = []  
  76.         def tp = []  
  77.         if(olist.size()==0return 0  
  78.         else if(olist.size()==1)  
  79.         {  
  80.             def o = olist[0]  
  81.             return π[o]*B[o][olist[0]]  
  82.         }  
  84.         // Initialize  
  85.         SS.times{tp << 1}       
  86.         β[olist.size()-1] = tp  
  88.         if(olist.size()>1)  
  89.         {  
  90.             for(int i=olist.size()-2; i>=0; i--)  
  91.             {  
  92.                 tp = []  
  93.                 SS.times{ ps->   
  94.                     double p = 0  
  95.                     SS.times{ cs->                         
  96.                         p += (double)A[ps][cs] * B[cs][olist[i+1]] * β[i+1][cs]  
  97.                     }                     
  98.                     tp << p  
  99.                 }  
  100.                 β[i]=tp  
  101.             }     
  102.         }  
  104.         double p = 0;  
  105.         SS.times{  
  106.             p += (double)π[it] * B[it][olist[0]] * β[0][it];  
  107.         }  
  108.         return p;  
  109.     }  
  111.     double forward(List olist)  
  112.     {         
  113.         def α = []  
  114.         def tp = []  
  115.         if(olist.size()==0return 0  
  116.         else if(olist.size()==1)  
  117.         {  
  118.             def o = olist[0]  
  119.             return π[o]*B[o][olist[0]]  
  120.         }         
  122.         // Initialize  
  123.         //printf "\t[Test] o=%d\n", olist[0]  
  124.         SS.times{it->  
  125.             tp << (double)π[it]*B[it][olist[0]]  
  126.         }  
  127.         α << tp  
  128.         if(olist.size()>1)   
  129.         {  
  130.             def tolist = olist[1..-1]  
  131.             tolist.each{ o->               
  132.                 tp = []  
  133.                 SS.times{ps->  
  134.                     double prob=0  
  135.                     SS.times{ cs->  
  136.                         prob+=(double)α[-1][ps]*A[ps][cs]*B[cs][o]  
  137.                     }  
  138.                     tp << prob  
  139.                 }  
  140.                 α << tp  
  141.             }  
  142.         }  
  144.         double prob=0  
  145.         def lo = olist[-1]        
  146.         SS.times{ps->  
  147.             /*SS.times{cs-> 
  148.                 prob+=(double)α[-1][ps]*A[ps][cs]*B[cs][lo] 
  149.             }*/  
  150.             prob+=(double)α[-1][ps]  
  151.         }  
  152.         return prob  
  153.     }  
  155.     List run(List O)  
  156.     {  
  157.         def S = []                          // Best State Transition  
  158.         def PV = []                         // Previous Viter Result  
  159.         def PVP = []                        // Previous Viter Result Path  
  160.         def t=1  
  161.         double mv=Integer.MIN_VALUE         // max viter value  
  162.         def ms=0  
  163.         O.each{ o->  
  164.             if(shift>0) o-=shift  
  165.             double cp  
  166.             mv=Integer.MIN_VALUE  
  167.             ms=0  
  168.             def V = []                      // Current Viter Result  
  169.             def VS = [:]                    // Current Viter/State map  
  170.             SS.times { s->  
  171.                 dprintf("\tδ%d(%d)=max P(q%d=%d|o%d=%d)\n", t, s+shift, t, s+shift, t, o+shift)  
  172.                 if(t>1)  
  173.                 {  
  174.                     dprintf "\t\t=max δ%d(i)*ai%d*b%d(%d)\n", t-1, s+shift, s+shift, o+shift  
  175.                     dprintf "\t\t=max ("                      
  176.                     double tmv=Integer.MIN_VALUE  
  177.                     def tms=0  
  178.                     SS.times {  
  179.                         def tv = PV[it]+logSum(A[it][s],B[s][o])  
  180.                         //def tv = PV[it]*A[it][s]*B[s][o]  
  181.                         dprintf "δ%d(%d)*a%d%d*b%d(%d)=%.04f ", t-1, it+shift, it+shift, s+shift, s+shift, o+shift, tv  
  182.                         if(tv>tmv)  
  183.                         {  
  184.                             tmv = tv  
  185.                             tms = it  
  186.                         }  
  187.                     }  
  188.                     VS[s]=tms  
  189.                     cp = tmv  
  190.                     dprintf ")=%.03f (%d)\n", cp, tms  
  191.                 }  
  192.                 else  
  193.                 {             
  194.                     cp = logSum(π[s],B[s][o])         
  195.                     //cp = π[s]*B[s][o]  
  196.                     dprintf "\t\t=π%d b%d(%d)=%.03f\n", s+shift, s+shift, o+shift, cp  
  197.                 }                 
  198.                 V[s] = cp  
  199.                 if(cp>mv)  
  200.                 {  
  201.                     mv = cp  
  202.                     ms = s  
  203.                 }  
  204.             }  
  205.             dprintf "\tPickup S=%d at t(%d)!\n", ms+shift, t  
  206.             PVP << VS  
  207.             PV=V  
  208.             t++  
  209.         }  
  210.         S << ms+shift  
  211.         for(int i=(PVP.size()-1); i>=1; i--)  
  212.         {  
  213.             ms = PVP[i][ms]           
  214.             S << ms+shift  
  215.         }  
  216.         S = S.reverse()  
  217.         dprintf "\tFinal State Sequence: %s (Prop.=%.09f)\n", S.join("->"), Math.exp(mv)  
  218.         return S  
  219.     }  
  221.     List run2(List O)  
  222.     {  
  223.         def S = []                          // Best State Transition  
  224.         def PV = []                         // Previous Viter Result          
  225.         def PVP = []                        // Previous Viter Result Path         
  226.         def t=1  
  227.         double mv=Integer.MIN_VALUE         // max viter value  
  228.         def ms=0  
  229.         O.each{ o->  
  230.             if(shift>0) o-=shift  
  231.             double cp  
  232.             mv=Integer.MIN_VALUE  
  233.             ms=0  
  234.             def V = []                      // Current Viter Result  
  235.             def VS = [:]                    // Current Viter/State map  
  236.             SS.times { s->  
  237.                 dprintf("\tδ%d(%d)=max P(q%d=%d|o%d=%d)\n", t, s+shift, t, s+shift, t, o+shift)  
  238.                 if(t>1)  
  239.                 {  
  240.                     dprintf "\t\t=max δ%d(i)*ai%d*b%d(%d)\n", t-1, s+shift, s+shift, o+shift  
  241.                     dprintf "\t\t=max ("  
  242.                     double tmv=0  
  243.                     def tms=0  
  244.                     SS.times {  
  245.                         def tv = PV[it]*A[it][s]*B[s][o]                          
  246.                         dprintf "δ%d(%d)*a%d%d*b%d(%d)=%.04f ", t-1, it+shift, it+shift, s+shift, s+shift, o+shift, tv  
  247.                         if(tv>tmv)  
  248.                         {  
  249.                             tmv = tv  
  250.                             tms = it  
  251.                         }  
  252.                     }  
  253.                     VS[s]=tms  
  254.                     cp = tmv  
  255.                     dprintf ")=%.03f (%d)\n", cp, tms+shift  
  256.                 }  
  257.                 else  
  258.                 {  
  259.                     cp = π[s]*B[s][o]                     
  260.                     dprintf "\t\t=π%d b%d(%d)=%.03f\n", s+shift, s+shift, o+shift, cp  
  261.                 }  
  262.                 V[s] = cp  
  263.                 if(cp>mv)  
  264.                 {  
  265.                     mv = cp  
  266.                     ms = s  
  267.                 }  
  268.             }  
  269.             dprintf "\tPickup S=%d at t(%d)!\n", ms+shift, t              
  270.             PVP << VS  
  271.             PV=V  
  272.             t++  
  273.         }  
  275.         //printf "\t[Test] %d\n", ms  
  276.         S << ms+shift  
  277.         for(int i=(PVP.size()-1); i>=1; i--)  
  278.         {  
  279.             ms = PVP[i][ms]  
  280.             //printf "\t[Test] %d (%d)\n", ms, i  
  281.             S << ms+shift  
  282.         }  
  283.         S = S.reverse()  
  284.         dprintf "\tFinal State Sequence: %s (Prop.=%.06f)\n", S.join("->"), mv  
  285.         return S  
  286.     }  
  287. }  
  1. def A = []  
  2. def B = []  
  3. def π = []  
  4. def SM = [:]  
  5. def OM = [:]  
  6. SM[0]='Sunny'  
  7. SM[1]='Rainy'  
  8. OM[0]='Walk'  
  9. OM[1]='Shop'  
  10. OM[2]='Clean'  
  11. π[0] = 0.4; π[1] = 0.6   
  12. A[0] = [0.60.4]  
  13. A[1] = [0.30.7]  
  14. B[0] = []  
  15. B[1] = []  
  17. ViterbiAlg va = new ViterbiAlg()  
  18. va.setPM(A, B, π)  
  20. def O = [0012// Walk > Walk > Shop > Clean  
  21. def S = va.run(O)  
  22. printf "%s\n", S.collect { SM[it]}.join(" > ")  
Sunny > Sunny > Rainy > Rainy

This message was edited 35 times. Last update was at 12/05/2014 15:42:17

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[Git 常見問題] error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

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